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What is Avanue?

So, while creating this website I knew one thing for sure I didn't want it to be anything like the typical blogs we read day to day. You know the opinionated, celebrity inspired, downright messy ones. I wanted to create something informative, positive, and influential. I've been told before that I overshare and I used to think this was true, but I think a better word is insightful. At some point I started receiving feedback from people who were actually interested in some of the things I was sharing. Sometimes even grateful like "wow, thanks for sharing this, I never knew" so I thought to myself let me focus on those people. Make it less about me and more about my peers and providing them information and resources.


While deciding the types of content I want to share I remembered a time in my life when I had all this drive, ambition and potential but no way of tapping into it. I didn't know where to start and I lacked resources. I'm a firm believer of the phrase "reach one, teach one" I mean seriously what good is knowledge and resources if you don't share it with other people? I don't want to be one of those people with tons of information and great ideas that I keep to myself. There are people that withhold information with fear of others reaching the same stature as them if not surpassing them in life, but what God has for YOU will always be YOURS!


Now while I don't know EVERYTHING and I'm still learning about some of the things I plan to share with you.. still thought it would be cool if we could embark on this journey together  :) 

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© 2020 by AVAnue


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